The Insider – last edition of 2023

As 2023 ends, we thank you for your support!

Dear Inside Out® Community,

As 2023 draws to a close, Emma and I wanted to say how thrilled we are with the level of engagement and support we have received from both our membership, the wider in-house creative community and our partners.

Over the past 12 months, we have been very focused on listening and gaining deep insights from our members so we can deliver on our mission to give in-house creative leaders the connections, insights, and knowledge they need for creative impact and influence.

We have:

  • Welcomed over 100 in-house creative leaders into our Membership Community from across the UK and EMEA 
  • Hosted 19 virtual events with over 350 in-house specialists in attendance
  • Hosted our first summer social and live Inside Out® Awards ceremony 
  • Created an exclusive collection of recorded interviews and events and more than 30 articles, templates, and web-resources
  • Been awarded the Awards Trust Mark, receiving the highest standard of accreditation granted by the Independent Awards Standards Council

As we head into 2024, we have several exciting updates based on feedback from our membership, so in Q1 we will be:

Introducing a team membership option

Enabling multiple memberships per brand. Each additional team member will need to hold a leadership role (whether that’s leading people or projects) within your in-house creative team.

Introducing our Inside Out® Passport

This will give members the opportunity to invite additional team members to join topic-specific events.

More in-person events

In 2024, we will be having a Summer Party and our Annual Award Announcement in October. Expect to see a Breakfast Club ‘IRL’ coming soon…..

Bringing back our Award Nomination categories.

These categories will enable you to recognise and reward the individuals in your team for their commitment and contribution.

More details will be available soon, so watch this space!
Whilst we take a break, we wish you a fantastic festive holiday, and we look forward to sharing more information with you in the New Year.

Warm regards
Sarah and Emma 

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Recent posts

Elevating in-house creative teams at Madfest

The Inside Out® Community works hard to seek opportunities for our members to share their experience and insights and broaden their network.

Earlier this month we were thrilled to not only offer our members FREE tickets to attend Mad/Fest London, but we also got them on stage to showcase how they are leading the work, leading their teams and the industry.

Inside Out® Community proud partners of Mad/Fest 2024

In-house creative leaders are playing more of a significant role in brand creativity and marketing. We are therefore thrilled to be partnering with the UK’s largest Marketing Festival next Month bringing the in-house perspective to the programme.

Announcing our new podcast The Future of In-House Creative Leadership

We are very excited to announce that we are launching a brand new podcast called The Future of In-House Creative Leadership, brought to you by the Inside Out® Community – the professional home for in-house creative leaders.