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Confident Leadership

This virtual event is designed to equip creative leaders, and aspiring leaders, with the knowledge and inspiration needed to lead confidently and drive change. The world around us is not getting any clearer so the sooner you can lead from a place of strong confidence, the better everyone will be.

Date & Time:

March 20 @ 12:30 13:30




About the Event

For those leading in-house creative teams, confident leadership is often the fuel that drives ideas and action.

For some, Imposter syndrome and the feeling of self doubt can really get in the way, making it difficult to make decisions and lead their teams. 

We know however, that leaders who address imposter syndrome can become more confident, lead more effectively and drive change. 

To address this challenge, we have enlisted Inside Out® Community Advisor Gillian Davis, for an interactive and practical session where we will explore:

  • How you build confidence in oneself whilst also building confidence in your team 
  • What could bold and courageous leadership look like for you?
  • How to overcome imposter syndrome with practical and easy techniques. 

This virtual event is designed to equip creative leaders, and aspiring leaders, with the knowledge and inspiration needed to lead confidently and drive change. The world around us is not getting any clearer so the sooner you can lead from a place of strong confidence, the better everyone will be.

Who’s the event for?

This event is open to everyone. Wherever you are in your in-house creative leadership journey this event will provide some valuable insights and inspiration

Location: This event is virtual via Zoom. A link will be provided to you after registration

How much does it cost? 

This event is FREE to members of the Inside Out® Community

Non – Members £49

Booking is essential. 

About our Speakers 

Published author, advisor, and speaker on progressive leadership practices, Gillian specialises in leadership transformation in the modern workplace and has worked with Design Leadership Teams at companies like Spotify, Typeform, and WeTransfer.

About our speakers

Gillian Davis

Published author, advisor, and speaker on progressive leadership practices, Gillian specialises in leadership transformation in the modern workplace and has worked with Design Leadership Teams at companies like Spotify, Typeform, and WeTransfer






How to attend

If you wish to attend for free:

If you are a member: