Our membership is here to support you on every step of your in-house creative leadership journey

Perhaps you are leading for the first time, or you are already an established in-house creative leader. We have the community, knowledge and resources to help you.

Find your peers

Meet and learn from a diverse group of other in-house creative leaders. From our online community forum to our monthly group mentoring Breakfast Clubs and in-person events, there is always place to meet and get inspired by your peers.

Solve your challenges

Our program of activities and resources are designed to give you deep learning and valuable insights. From monthly Mastermind sessions based on real world challenges, a Learning Hub with over 60 hours of content to watch, read or listen.

We have our Awards Archive where you can look at previous years submissions, exclusive access to our community Advisors and a ‘concierge’ service.

Gain industry recognition

It’s not just our awards program where our members can gain industry recognition but we are working with leading industry events and publications to support the in-house creative leadership conversations with our member’s voices.

In 2024 we have got our members onto the stage at Madfest and featured in industry reports and articles on It’s Nice That.

We welcome those who hold leadership roles within an in-house creative team.

All of our members are based across the globe, established in their careers with circa 7+ years’ experience and seeking ways to grow and accelerate their in-house creative leadership journey.

Example job titles include: Chief Creative Officer, Global Head of Creative & Brand, Global Creative Services Director, Creative Director, Head of Creative Services, Creative Lead, Studio Manager.

Interested in joining?

If you would like to become a member contact us, or book a call to find out how membership can support you.

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